Tuesday, October 14, 2014

4 Fitness Newbie Mistakes to Avoid

It can happen to any of us. We have been away from the gym or out of the fitness loop for a while, and then we decide we might need to get back on track and re-enter the fitness world. It can be intimidating to return to a scene that has changed so much from the last time we visited. What should we do? First of all you should feel proud that you had the courage to get back into shape and give yourself a pat on the back for trying to improve your lifestyle and health. However, there are some things you need to be aware of to help you get safely back into the swing of things.

  1. Do not overdo it. You may think that you have to make up for lost time by pushing yourself too hard too fast, but this could be catastrophic to your new fitness routine. As a fitness newbie or someone practicing a new routine, it can be difficult to tell when you are pushing yourself too far, too soon. You need to remember to start out slow and steady, just enough to test your limits the first few weeks. You should not try to set any personal records or compete with others at your gym, just yet. You do not want to become too sore to continue your workout routine or cause yourself to get injured. This could result in many of us quitting our routine or taking another prolonged break.
  2. Not exercising enough. You need to have a consistent and regular fitness routine to get the best results for your body. You should workout at least three days a week for about thirty minutes a day to help get your mind and body refocused on your exercise routine. If you are looking to lose weight and get back in shape, you have to workout regularly. If you exercise once every two weeks or so, you are not really doing your body that much good, and your results will be minimal. So, you need to put yourself out there and stick to your fitness plan to achieve the results you want.
  3. Not eating properly for your workouts. You need to eat properly before and after your workouts. Your body needs energy to be able to push yourself through your workout, and food is the main way we get this energy. The best pre-workout snacks are proteins and carbs, and you should try to avoid anything with too much fiber. After your workout, your body needs even more energy to recover. Again, protein and carbs are a good way to go. Many athletes choose to go with a protein shake or a smoothie of some sort. It is up to you, but you need to remember to avoid eating anything too sugary or anything loaded in fat or calories because you will only end up undoing all of your hard work. Also, remember it is just a snack not a buffet. You do not want to overdo it.
  4. Revisiting your old habits. You need to consider what caused you to be on a break from your fitness routine in the first place and make sure not to revisit these old habits once again. If your break was caused by boredom or lack of interest, you may need to look into ways you can spice up your routine. You may need to find something that can get you excited and looking forward to your fitness routine. If you couldn’t find the time, look at your schedule and plan a time to workout that you make yourself stick to no matter what. Whatever excuses you were using, you need to find ways to overcome them. Anything that you can do, do it. You need to find ways that will ensure you stick to your routine and help us avoid taking another unexpected break.
There are many excuses and reasons we can conveniently find to help us rationalize taking a break from our fitness routines; however, it is up to us to look for ways to overcome these excuses and reasons. We need to do what is best for our health and do whatever we can to stay active. We need to stop using these convenient excuses and reasons for quitting our exercise routines and stay on track to becoming a fitter and healthier you.
- See more at: http://www.9round.com/blog/4-fitness-newbie-mistakes-to-avoid/

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