Friday, May 23, 2014

Should You Begin Your Workout with Cardio or Strength Training

Most of us hit the gym and hop on the treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical before we start our weight training segment of our fitness routine. However, is this helping or hurting our attempts to achieve those noticeable and fast results? We all want to reach our fitness goals as soon as possible. Therefore, we all know nothing can be more frustrating than putting in all your time and effort and still feeling as if you are coming up empty, and it can come down to something as little as what order we do our workout sessions.
Glucose versus fat
The truth is that you should start your fitness routine with weight training in order to get the best fat burning results. Your body only has so much glucose stored. There is about 80 calories worth of glucose in the bloodstream and approximately 300 to 400 calories in the liver. This gives you about 380 to 480 calories of easy-access energy to burn in your body. For the first ten to fifteen minutes of your workout you are burning straight glucose, no matter how you chose to start. When you use up all your glucose reserves, your body then has to use excess fat to fuel your workout. However, fat is harder to burn than glucose, which means your body has less energy.

How it affects your workout

Cardio first routine
You like many others decide to start your fitness routine with cardio. So, you hop on the treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical for the first 30 minutes or so and then move on to the weight lifting portion of your fitness routine. Did you know that you just burned up most of your glucose while you were on the treadmill or elliptical. You would have started to turn to your fat reserves during your run, but your body would more slowly burn this energy. By the time you get to your weightlifting routine, you would most likely run out of energy rather quickly.

Weight training first routine
Now look at how your routine would differ if we started with our weight training first. After the first thirty minutes or so of some intense weight lifting we could burn around 500 calories, which would be more than our stored glucose. This means by the end of our training we would already be switching over to burning fat. So, when you start the cardio section of your fitness routine you will be burning almost solely fat. This gives you the chance to some intense fat burning exercising because there is no glucose left for your body to use.

The only time you should consider doing cardio first in your fitness routine is during the warm up. You should never skip this section of your fitness routine, and it is good to get your heart pumping before you jump into any form of exercising. Most experts recommend at least five to ten minutes of some type of cardio in your warm up. Once your muscles are warmed up and ready to go you should jump right in to your weight training and then hit the cardio machines to get the best and fastest results.

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Common Gym Myths Debunked

Most of us already have a preconceived idea about certain exercise routines and what happens at the gym. As a whole, we probably associate weight training with body builders, who are most likely men, and we tend to associate treadmills and other cardio fitness routines with women. We might think that all gyms are the same or that they only like to cater to certain types of people, like only men or skinny petite women. Do these fitness routines and gyms deserve to be classified in such ways? Here we take the chance to look at a few of the more common gym myths and debunk them.


  1. As a female, if I lift weights I will end up being a huge body builder. This is not true. Weight lifting is not just for men and should be a part of everyone’s fitness routine, regardless of their gender. It can help you burn fat, tone your body and boost your metabolism. Weight training is an essential component of your fitness routine, especially if you are looking to burn fat.
  2. Every gym is the same, so I should just join the cheapest one. This is so false. Every gym is different. You want to find one that feels right for you and has those little extras that make it worth the time you spend there. Many gyms offer different hours and of course, the staff is always different, which gives each gym its own personality. There are also many different amenities a gym can have, such as heart rate monitors, personal trainers, top notch equipment and even pools. It is up to you to do your research and find the gym that best suits you.
  3. My weight is not coming off, this exercise thing must not be working. So many of us focus on the scale and forget about all the other benefits of working out. This one set frame of mind can make most of us give up on our fitness routine and miss out on all the many other health benefits of our fitness routines, such as lower blood sugar, building endurance and stamina and losing inches from our waist lines, which can result in a lower dress size. Remember just because the scale is not moving does not mean you are not doing your body good by working out.
  4. As long as I workout, I can eat whatever I want. Just because you are working out consistently, you do not get a free pass to eat whatever you want. A nutritious diet should always be a part of everyone’s fitness routine. If you want to reshape your body and lose those excess pounds, you will have to start trying out some healthier options. However, it can do a world of good to allow yourself a few cheats without being too hard on yourself.

It can be a difficult journey trying to lose weight and feel great. Just remember to never give up, even when things seem to be piling up against you. You should try to overcome your preconceived notions about fitness and how it may affect you and allow your newly found knowledge help you get fit and healthy.
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How You Can Mentally Benefit from Kickboxing

Everyone knows that kickboxing has an extensive list of physical benefits. It can help us lose weight and tone our bodies in no time at all; however, did you know that kickboxing also has an extremely long list of mental benefits? It is easy for us to overlook the many mental benefits that we can achieve from a kickboxing fitness routine when we are only focusing on how our body seems to be achieving the impossible. However, we should not cast aside the mental benefits of kickboxing just because we are too concerned with the physical benefits.


Boost your self- confidence
Kickboxing combines techniques from boxing and martial arts. You will learn how to effectively defend yourself by punching, kicking and dodging potential attacks. You have the advantage of acquiring quick reflexes coupled with the knowledge of some highly complex fighting moves. This knowledge alone should put your mind at ease if you encounter a certain situation. Just by knowing that you are prepared if need be can make you feel more empowered. Having the knowledge and power to defend yourself if the need arises would give anyone a boost to their self confidence, and you should feel proud and confident in your abilities.

Boost your energy
Kickboxing is a high-energy fitness routine that not only focuses on working out your body but also your mind. Unlike many other forms of exercising, such as running or biking, kickboxing requires an individual’s full attention. This can help an individual maintain a greater focus on their fitness routine and can increase the overall output of their fitness routine. For any fitness routine, the output, your results, is affected by the input, how much effort you use. During your kickboxing routine, you will be breathing heavy and sweating out toxins, which in the end will give you a much needed boost to your energy level.

Stress Buster
The act of hitting, punching and kicking heavy bags alone is enough to relieve the pent up stresses of the day. Kickboxing can be the perfect way to relieve any type of frustration that we may have built up over time. By the end of your fitness routine you will be feeling refreshed, invigorated and ready to take on the world. You can also add in the fact that any form of exercise releases endorphins into the bloodstream. Endorphins, a natural chemical found in your body, act as a mood booster and a stress buster. You will get to leave each of your kickboxing sessions on a natural high after you have worked out all of your pent up frustrations. It is a win-win situation.

Kickboxing is a high-energy fitness routine that can be beneficial to everyone. It not only transforms our bodies but can enhance our moods and enlighten our minds. The many benefits of this fitness routine should never be overlooked. You can achieve the body you want and the mind and emotional state you need.
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Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Many Benefits of a Kickboxing Fitness Routine

Most of us start a fitness routine to lose weight or get back into shape. A kickboxing fitness routine can do this and so much more. It can make your mind, body and spirit feel so much better. Kickboxing can also give you some much needed knowledge in self-defense. You can achieve a lot of different benefits from just one fitness routine. There are many classes aimed at beginners, so you should not be afraid to try it out if you do not have any kickboxing experience. Most classes allow you to visit them before you actually sign up for them, so you can try it out before you commit. So, why not give kickboxing a chance?


Transform your body
Kickboxing combines many different types of movements that can workout all of the muscles in your body. Your legs are used for kicking and your arms for punching. Your core is engaged to help stabilize your movements. Your heart will be pumping in no time, and you get the added benefit of resistance training if you use the heavy bags or spar with a partner. You can achieve a full body workout just by participating in a kickboxing fitness routine. In as little as thirty minutes you can burn around 400 to 500 calories. This will give you a lot of fat burning potential. In just a short period of time you should be able to notice a more toned and shaped body.

Emotional and mental benefits
A kickboxing fitness routine can not only make you look better but can also make you feel better. Endorphins, natural chemicals found in the body, are released during your fitness routine. They give you a natural feel good feeling that can be known to last for hours after your fitness routine. Kickboxing is also a great way to combat the stresses of the day. You can kick and punch away all your pent up frustrations on a heavy bag in a controlled and safe environment. It can feel great to have the chance to release some aggression when we know that no one, including ourselves, will actually get hurt.

Learn some self-defense moves
Kickboxing is a form of martial arts and will teach you some basic self-defense moves. You will learn how to throw and even take a punch if you participate in the sparring aspect of kickboxing. You will learn how to properly perform kicks, a flawless fighting stance, how to fend off attacks and how to increase your reaction time. Just knowing that you may be a little more prepared than your attacker may realize should make you feel a little more at ease. It can be a huge weight off of your shoulders knowing that if the situation arises you have some training to fall back on.

A kickboxing fitness routine has a lot to offer. It is one of the best ways to lose weight and achieve the body of your dreams. It can boost your mood and relieve any pent up stress you may have. There are even studies that shows that kickboxing can help fight anxiety and depression. It is also a lot of fun. So, you will never get bored and will always look forward to your next fitness routine. It is the perfect way for many of us to stay fit and healthy.
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A Few Tips for Performing Burpees

Most of us have heard of them- the dreaded burpee. Most of our fitness classes or personal trainers push us through this excruciating exercise that most of us view as torture. It has become a common exercise in many fitness routines because of how effectively it can engage your entire body by utilizing full body movement. It is because of all the hard work and energy required to help our bodies achieve this full range of motion that helps us accomplish our fitness goals and dread the very word known as burpee. Here are just a few tips to help you achieve the full impact of this exercise.


  • Pace yourself. You do not want to stop in the middle of a burpee set. It will be next to impossible to get going again. You want to make sure that you pick a pace you can keep up with consistently throughout your routine. If you are doing a few burpees then you can increase your speed, but if you are going for multiple burpees then you need to slow down and pace yourself to ensure that you will not have to take any unnecessary breaks.
  • Feet then hands. When performing a burpee most of us learned were taught that we needed to wait until our hands hit the ground before we throw our legs back. However, once you are pretty familiar with the movements in a burpee it will be easy to throw your legs back before your hands hit the ground, and this could save you some time, especially when you are doing multiple burpees.
  • Go into an autopilot type of mind frame. Try to keep your mind focused on your form and not on how many more burpees you have to do in your routine. It can seem too challenging when your mind is thinking can I do this many more. It would seem a lot easier if you just focused on the jumping, squatting and maintaining the correct posture. This way it will appear to go by quicker than you thought.
  • Remember to breathe. It can be hard to follow the proper breathing techniques when you are exercising. You would not believe how many people tend to hold their breath during their workouts. Try to keep your breathing regular while you are exercising and make sure that you are breathing, especially if you are a fitness newbie or new to a certain exercise routine. You may tend to focus on the movements and posture and not your breathing.
  • Follow the correct posture. The burpee is an extremely trying exercise. It is easy to lose the proper posture, especially if you are doing multiple burpees. Be sure that you are not arching your back during the exercise and that you are maintaining the full range of motion required by the exercise. If you have to ease off or slow down to maintain the proper posture then you should. You do not want to waste all your energy on an ineffective fitness routine or even worse injure yourself.

The burpee is a difficult exercise to perform; however, it can give any fitness routine an added boost that it may need to propel you quickly to the results that you want. It may seem like torture to most of us, but there is a good reason for most of us to go through that torture. It helps us reach our fitness goals and makes our bodies stronger and healthier than we thought they could ever be.
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9Round Woodridge Invites You to Its Grand Opening

9Round Woodridge officially opened its doors on April 21st; however, they will be celebrating their grand opening this Saturday May the 17th. We encourage you to stop by the gym at 1001 W. 75th Street Woodridge, IL 60517, which is in the Kohls center right beside the Hollywood Blvd. Theater. We encourage you to stop by and join in the festivities. We will be giving away free workouts from 8:00 AM until 1:30 PM along with many other prizes, which will include a 12 month membership, a My Zone belt and other gifts from nearby stores and restaurants. So, bring your friends and stop by to enjoy all the fun.


Hurry in for opening and other special pricing
9Round Woodridge’s opening special for a $49 monthly membership will end on May 17th. You will get unlimited workouts, free boxing gloves, hand wraps, your own personal trainer, access to our on-line nutrition guide and a t-shirt. This is a great package deal. Normal pricing is usually $99 for the first month and $69 each month after. You can save $50 just by hurrying in and taking advantage of this deal, but you need to hurry there is only a few days left to grab this amazing deal. 9Round Woodridge has also added a student summer special. You can get three months of unlimited workouts, the gloves, the wraps, the whole package for only $139. This ends up being only a little over $46 per month. This is an unbelievable price for all that you can get from a 9Round fitness routine.

The ease of a 9Round fitness routine
A 9Round fitness routine is geared toward everyone. All of your workouts are supervised by certified 9Round trainers that are there to motivate you and to ensure that you perform your fitness routine effectively and properly. You do not need to be afraid if you do not have any kickboxing experience, as our trainers can walk you through each move and adjust your workout to your fitness level. At 9Round we do not have any class times. Our workouts are done in a circuit training format. There are nine challenging stations, and each station lasts for three minutes. This means that a new workout starts every three minutes, and you can get a full body workout that is guaranteed to give you results in only thirty minutes, which can easily fit into our hectic schedules.

If you have any questions about 9Round Woodridge’s grand opening, specials, memberships or 9Round’s fitness routine feel free to stop by or call us at 630-930-8439 and one of our trainers will be happy to help you. You may also contact us through our website, and we will quickly get back to you. To stay up to date on all of our gym news and special pricing please like our facebook page. We look forward to seeing you Saturday as we celebrate our grand opening 9Round style.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Women’s Self Defense Class at 9Round Round Rock

Did you know that the majority of 9Round members are female? We have a large amount of women joining 9Round to get into the best shape of their life. They are embracing the 9Round way of life with arms wide open. So, what can we do to let them know that we appreciate them? Well 9Round Round Rock has decided to host a women’s self defense class at their gym, which is located at 1400 E. Old Settlers Blvd Suite 301, Round Rock, Texas 78664. On Friday, May 16th from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, our friends at the Round Rock ATA Martial Arts are going to be in charge of teaching the Women’s Self Defense class our gym will be hosting. We are super excited and look forward to them coming in and sharing some valuable information and self defense techniques with our members, and the best part is that this class is absolutely free and open to all of our members and their family. There is no cost to you to attend; however, you must sign up before the event to be eligible to participate. So, if you are member hurry and reserve your spot to take advantage of this great opportunity.
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Crystal and James Scherer are the owners of 9Round Round Rock. They both were members of the US Navy, and this is where they began their passion for fitness. They wanted to help people get healthy and obtain their fitness goals. They came across 9Round’s unique fitness format and became hooked. They loved the effectiveness and convenience a thirty minute kickboxing fitness routine with no class time provided. 9Round offers everyone one workout for free. This gives you the chance to try it before you buy it. We are pretty sure you will love it. You can sign up at 9Round Round Rock for a monthly fee of $49. You will get unlimited workouts, a personal trainer to oversee your workouts, gloves and hand wraps and access to our online nutrition guide. It is well worth it, especially when you start seeing how fast you can change your body and health for the better.
If you have any questions about 9Round Round Rock and their fitness routine you may call them at 512-943-8057, email them through the contact us section of their website or drop by during business hours. In order to stay in the know of all of their latest gym news please like their facebook page. We look forward to seeing you and helping you get fit one hit at a time.
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3 Facts About Kickboxing Everyone Thinks Are True

Kickboxing has become very popular in the last few years. There are probably a few fitness centers in your town that feature some sort of kickboxing fitness routine. There are infomercials advertising kickboxing, and you can see it on tv and in the movies. Researchers have conducted countless studies and released their findings on the numerous benefits of kickboxing as a fitness routine. However, there are many things that people still do not know about kickboxing, and there are an abundance of myths floating around about kickboxing that many people believe to be true.

Kickboxing is hard to learn or master.
Many people think that you have to already be fit and inhumanly flexible to learn kickboxing. They believe that if you are new to the fitness scene it would be almost impossible to take up kickboxing. This is just not true. You do not have to be in the perfect shape or extremely flexible to start a kickboxing fitness routine. Kickboxing will help you become fit and flexible. All you need to do is have patience and keep working at it. It is just like any other fitness routine, take your time and listen to your instructors and you will be performing your routines perfectly in no time.

Kickboxing is dangerous.
Kickboxing is a full contact sport, and as with all full contact sports, there is a risk of injury. However, if you follow all the safety precautions and pay attention, your chance of injury is very slight. There is also different forms of kickboxing available today. If you do not feel comfortable or want to participate in full contact kickboxing, there are other options available. You can join a cardio kickboxing class or another kickboxing class that only teaches the movements and techniques of kickboxing and does not participate in the full contact aspect of the sport. If you play it safe and listen to your instructor there will be nothing to worry about.

Kickboxing promotes violence.
Some people think that because kickboxing is a full contact sport that it promotes violence. This is also not true. It is in fact quite the opposite. As with any form of martial arts, it promotes focus and discipline. Kickboxing can help its participants gain inner and outer peace. From the outside looking in, it is easy for most people to assume that kickboxing teaches its participants how to be violent and fight; however, the techniques taught in kickboxing should only be used for self defense.

    There are many benefits associated with participating in a kickboxing fitness routine. In order to capitalize on these benefits, you should keep an open mind and look forward to learning something new. You should never let your preconceived notions stop you from experiencing something that could help you remain fit and healthy while having fun at the same time. You could really enjoy a kickboxing fitness routine, so before you judge it, you should take the time to try it.
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9Round Featured on Funky Fitness PDX Blog

9Round Portland Pearl District had the honor of giving one of their very own fitness bloggers Katrina “Ninjarina” an intro into 9Round’s fitness concept. Kickboxing fitness routines are all the craze now. There are many different types of classes you can take ranging from the dancey aerobic type of kickboxing to the full contact sparring type of kickboxing. Katrina feels as if 9Round falls nicely in the middle. In her workout she enjoyed being able to gear up and go to town kicking and punching on the heavy bags, but at the same time, it can put your mind at ease knowing that you do not have to worry about taking a punch. She gives us her complete thoughts on her 9Round workout, what makes 9Round’s fitness routine unique and the benefits of a 9Round fitness routine in her review on her blog, Funky Fitness PDX.

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First Impressions
When she walked through the doors and saw the boxing gloves hanging right in front of her, Katrina knew she was in the right place. She liked the fact that when you filled out your beginner’s paperwork you got to choose a fighter name, and of course, she chose Ninjarina. She loved the chance to add her own little personal touch to her fitness routine. It can be the little things that can truly count in helping you stick to your fitness routine. Once you complete your paperwork and choose your fighter name, you are ready to begin your workout.

A unique fitness routine
9Round’s fitness routine revolves around techniques from boxing and kickboxing that are performed in a circuit training format. There are nine different stations that last for three minutes each. According to Katrina the first couple of stations wee used to help her warm up and prepare for the workout ahead. The next few stations were more intense and then you get to move on to hitting the heavy bags. All the while a personal trainer is with you to watch your form and correct you if you become sloppy. You are also kept busy during the thirty seconds in between the rounds. You are constantly kept moving for the entire thirty minute workout. However, Katrina’s favorite part of a 9Round fitness routine is the fact that you can come in any time during business hours and start a workout. There are no class times because of the circuit training format. You can come in and start your workout in the next three minute round.

There are many benefits to a 9Round workout. In only thirty minutes you can easily squeeze in a full body workout that is guaranteed to give you results. All of our workouts come with a certified 9Round trainer to supervise your workouts to ensure that you are getting the most out of your fitness routine and using the proper form to stay injury free. However, Katrina’s favorite benefit is the MYZONE heart rate monitor. This tool gives our members the chance to gauge how their workout is going by seeing their vitals on a screen. It can help you maximize your workout by staying in your top fat burning cardio zone or even compete with other members if that is your thing.

At the end of her thirty minute 9Round workout Katrina admitted that she was sweaty and pooped. She even attested that it was a kick-booty workout. 9Round prides itself on being able to give its members a convenient and effective way to reach their fitness goals. If you are in the Portland, Oregon area, we encourage you to check out the same 9Round Katrina visited in Pearl District. If you are not in the Portland area do not worry there are 9Rounds everywhere. Check out our website to find the location nearest to you and feel free to take advantage of our first free trial workout. We look forward to helping you reach past your fitness goals.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

9Round Tampa Celebrates Its Grand Opening

9Round Tampa is excited to announce their grand opening celebration will be held on Saturday May 10th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The celebration will be held at their gym located at 17502 Preserve Walk Ln Tampa, FL 33647. This event will feature a ribbon cutting ceremony brought to you courtesy of the New Tampa Chamber of Commerce. There will be an array of vendors set up outside the fitness center and numerous giveaways will be held. We will also be serving some light snacks to help you enjoy the festive mood. So, we encourage you to come on out and enjoy the great weather and have some fun 9Round style.


9Round Tampa
9Round Tampa officially opened for business on February 28th. They are the first 9Round location in the Tampa area. The owner Stephanie Chance is also one of 9Round Tampa’s trainers. As a mom and business-owner, she knows the challenges of staying motivated and making time for herself. Stephanie made the 9Round commitment nearly a year ago and has been dedicated ever since. She enjoyed the time saving complete body workouts so much she wanted to bring it to others in her community. For only $89 a month you can get unlimited workouts with a personal trainer from 9Round Tampa, gloves and hand wraps and access to our very own online nutrition guide.

The 9Round fitness routine
A 9Round workout is one of a kind. We take techniques from both boxing and kickboxing and blend them together. We incorporate them into a circuit training format consisting of nine challenging stations. You spend three minutes at each station working out a different area of your body. In only thirty minutes you get a complete body workout that can burn between 500 to 600 calories per session. Every workout comes with a personal trainer to ensure that you are performing each move correctly and getting the most out of your workout. We are with you to motivate and encourage you to achieve more than you ever thought you could. Our main goal is and always will be customer service. We love the feeling we experience when we help our members achieve the results that they thought were impossible.

If you have any questions about 9Round Tampa, the grand opening ceremony or their fitness routine please feel free to contact us through our website, call us at (813)395-0005 or stop by our fitness center and one of our trainers will be more than happy to help you. Please like our facebook page to stay up to date on our gym news and also learn some interesting fitness facts. We look forward to seeing at our grand opening ceremony and sweating off those excess pounds in our gym very soon.
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9Round Featured on ABC 13 News

9Round owners Scott Fowler and Stephanie Chance got the opportunity to promote their 9Round Franchise and tell their hometown about 9Round and our great fitness routine on ABC 13 News. We are delighted to see our very own team from 9Round Asheville seizing the moment and spreading the word about our great fitness routines, and I know they had a lot of fun doing it. They did not appear to be camera shy at all as they joined the news team on ABC 13. They showed off some impressive kickboxing moves and drills that according to them does not take long at all to achieve and will quickly give you the results that you have been searching for for a long time. It is the perfect fitness routine to quickly help you get in shape for bikini weather.

The segment lets you know how great a kickboxing fitness routine can be. A 9Round kickboxing fitness routine allows its users to have fun and get into shape at the same time. It can be hard to look forward to a fitness routine, but at 9Round, you can become excited about working out and look forward to learning new moves each and every day. Our routines can take away a lot of the excuses many people find to avoid exercising. In only thirty minutes one session can burn between 500 to 600 calories. Because of our circuit training format, we have no class times. A new fitness routine starts every three minutes. So, basically, anytime you can fit in a thirty minute fitness routine feel free to stop by and experience a one of a kind fitness routine that is guaranteed to give you those fast results everyone is wanting.

If you want to view the video go to the ABC 13 News webpage. It can give you a little bit of insight as what to expect from a 9Round fitness routine. You can always go to our webpage to find out more about our fitness routines and where the nearest 9Round location is. There are many answers to common questions many kickboxing fitness newbies may have about our fitness routines. You may also contact us through our website with any unanswered questions or concerns. If you are curious and want to experience a 9Round fitness routine please feel free to stop by your local 9Round. The first trial workout is always free because we know that once you try it, you will like it. Our fitness routines are known to be very addictive.

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How to Play It Safe While Kickboxing

Kickboxing has risen in popularity as the fitness routine of choice for many. It is a great way to improve yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. There are many benefits associated with this routine. Many women are attracted to a kickboxing fitness routine because it is a proven and fast way to lose that excess weight. It can tone and shape your body in no time. However, as with any type of fitness routine there is always the risk of injury. You can lessen your risk of injury by following a few simple precautions.

  • A complete and thorough warm up. Kickboxing is an intense form of exercise. You will be working and stretching muscles you have never used before. In order to avoid pulled muscles and strains, you need to prepare your body for the workout ahead. A complete and thorough warm up is the only way to do this. It is extremely important that you set aside enough time to have a proper warm up. You could try some light aerobics or a low setting on the treadmill. You can also add in some light stretching to help prepare your muscles.
  • Proper setup. You do not want anything to cause you to lose focus during your kickboxing fitness routine. This means you need to wear the proper workout clothing and set up your workout area ahead of time.Your clothing needs to fit properly. Remember it has to allow you to move and perform each aspect of your routine but not be too loose. You do not want them falling down every time you move. Your workout area needs to be free of obstructions. You do not want to be in the middle of your routine and end up tripping over something.
  • Take your time. No one starts a fitness routine knowing everything there is. You have to take your time. You can not expect to go in there and keep up with the pros. You do not want to over exert yourself or attempt moves that are beyond your knowledge and fitness level. You should always take it nice and slow when starting a fitness routine to give your body the chance to adapt and get use to all the movements in your new fitness routine. You need to give yourself the time needed to learn all the warning signals your body is sending you and most importantly listen to them.
  • Do not forget to allow your body to rest. A lot of people skip the cooldown in their fitness routine. It is just as important to allow your body the chance to cooldown as it is to warm up your body. You can take a walk or jog, and this is the best time to stretch, as your muscles are already warmed up and loose from your workout. A cooldown is important in allowing your heart rate to gradually get back to its resting rate. You should also get enough sleep, in order to help your body repair after an intense fitness routine.

    A kickboxing fitness routine is an intense exercise routine that has many benefits. It can be fun and exciting, which can help most people remain engaged in their fitness routine and keep them looking forward to their workouts. However, you need to be prepared and listen to your instructor to ensure that you are playing it safe and doing everything necessary in order to prevent any workout injuries.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

9Round Once Again Graces the Pages of Entrepreneur Magazine

In the latest issue of Entrepreneur magazine Shannon “The Cannon” Hudson, founder and CEO of 9Round fitness, gets up close and personal. In the article he discusses the 9Round fitness concept, how he started out and how much he has grown his business in just a few years time. As a professional kickboxer, he was able to compete for and win the International Kickboxing Federation Light Middleweight World Championship. Being a professional fighter, he was in peak physical condition but began to notice that others around him were not. So, he decided to create a fun and creative way for people to achieve their fitness goals by bringing some of the elements of his training to the average person.


The routine
Shannon Hudson wanted to be able to bring his kickboxing training to the average person. He began to focus on circuit training like Curves and fixated himself on a way to create a thirty minute kickboxing workout. He eventually came up with his 9Round fitness routine, which centers on nine challenging stations. Each station lasts for three minutes and focuses on a different element of your fitness routine that when combined gives you a full body workout. In only thirty minutes you can burn between 500 to 600 calories. The genius behind the circuit training format is that it eliminates the need for class times, which means you can come by any 9Round during business hours and start your workout.

The culture
In the article Shannon Hudson recognizes that all of his 9Round fitness centers have more female than male members. He gives credit to his wife and co-founder, Heather Hudson. He and Heather try to keep the atmosphere upbeat and fun, while still focusing on fitness. 9Round wants to ensure that you are always excited and looking forward to each and every workout in order to help you stick with your fitness routine and quickly achieve your fitness goals. Shannon states that they want to make each 9Round feel like a nightclub but without the drinks. It helps to get you pumped up and ready to wail on some heavy bags.

For all levels
Many people may be intimidated to start a kickboxing fitness routine, especially if they have no kickboxing experience. However, at 9Round you can rest easy. Each and every workout comes with a certified 9Round trainer, which enables us to tailor the perfect workout for your fitness level and your specific goals. Our trainers will walk you through each move until you feel confident enough to perform them on your own. You will always have someone watching you to ensure you are following the correct form and stay injury free. There is a lady in her 60s who had a knee replacement that regularly visits 9Round, and our trainers simply substitute in different exercises for her. In turn, we also have professional athletes use our gyms, where our trainers may need to amp up their fitness routines. We cater to all levels, and since we have personal trainers we can accommodate just about anyone.

It is exciting to say the least at seeing how fast 9Round has grown and how many people are embracing the 9Round way of life. When Shannon Hudson started out in 2008 he had to beg and borrow to open his first gym. However, in one month’s time he had over 100 members and kept steadily plowing ahead. Now 9Round has over 100 locations up and running in the US with many more in the works. They are also looking into becoming worldwide. Snap Fitness, a major player in the fitness industry, agreed with Hudson’s idea and decide to buy into it. With a powerhouse like Snap Fitness giving them an extra push there is no doubt that 9Round will be around for a while.
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9Round Middletown’s Grand Opening and Summer Slim Down Challenge

On Saturday May 3rd 9Round Middletown will be celebrating their grand opening and kicking off their first annual summer slim down challenge. 9Round Middletown was 9Round’s 100th location and officially opened on February 6th. However, they waited until the weather got a little warmer to throw their grand opening celebration. On 9Round Middletown’s facebook page you can find all there is to know about their grand opening celebration, the first annual summer slim down challenge and any other breaking gym related news.

The grand opening on May 3rd will be held at their gym, which is conveniently located at 779 Newfield St Middletown, CT. From 11am to 1pm there will be some raffles, plenty of prizes, great food and of course our one of a kind fitness demonstrations. So, come on by and enjoy all the fun that we have to offer. We look forward to meeting and celebrating with the people in our community, and we can not wait to introduce you to the 9Round fitness routine. It is one of the most effective and fun ways to achieve all of your fitness goals.


While you are enjoying our grand opening celebration, you should take the chance to sign up for our very own first annual summer slim down challenge. Sign ups for this challenge are open now through Monday May 5th. The challenge runs from May 4th through June 29th, and our goal is to help everyone lose 20 pounds or more! The summer slim down challenge will include weekly weigh ins, measurements and accountability, your very own t-shirt and of course prizes. The cost to join the challenge for new members is $229 and only $49 for existing members. It is well worth the price to know that in just a few months you could be at least 20 pounds lighter.

So, come on by 9Round Middletown and help us celebrate, and at the same time sign up for our summer slim down challenge to help you shed some of those excess pounds before you have to put on that swimsuit. If you have any questions concerning our grand opening, the summer slim down challenge, current gym news or any other 9Round fitness concerns please contact us through our webpage or facebook page. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday May 3rd.
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9Round Review Featured on Fit Bottomed Girls

Jennifer Schlozman is a former Weight Watchers Leader Ambassador who is also a runner and a triathlete. She likes to write about her mommy fitness adventures on Fit Bottomed Mamas and Fit Bottomed Girls. Just recently, she had the chance to visit 9Round. She liked it so much that she decided to write a review on her experiences with her first 9Round workout to be featured on the Fit Bottomed Girls website.

First impressions
First impressions are important, and we want our fitness centers to give off a great vibe. According to Schlozman, when she first walked through the door she thought of Rocky. The owner Phil greeted her and her husband as they came in and made them feel welcomed. He was very knowledgeable and explained the gym setup and fitness routine to them. The gym had a small and intimate type of setting in her opinion. She was feeling big and bad from the lighting. It made her feel empowered and ready to put on her gloves and break in all the heavy bags.

The Routine
9Round’s fitness routine revolve around nine challenging stations. Each station features a different exercise and lasts for three minutes. According to Schlozman, each station had a sign instructing you through the circuit. The owner, Phil, gave them a quick overview and walked around, focusing on their form during the 30 minutes. He started a timer on the wall that had three lights — one for the circuit, a 30-second buzzer for one last push and the last buzzer to complete the circuit. Between the third and first buzzer he had them do some Tabatas; then as soon as that first buzzer rang, they were on to the next circuit.

Exercise High
Schlozman found the 9Round fitness routine to be a go, go, go type of fitness routine, which also happens to be just what she loves! Schlozman stated that once she had her gloves on, she felt like a real competitor! She was giving it her all and having a great time punching, kicking, lifting, pulling and pushing so many different bags! The music was pumping, and Phil was shouting words of encouragement. It was so much fun! She and her husband both felt pumped up from the heavy breathing and all the bags moving simultaneously.

    9Round is the perfect way for even the busiest person to fit in a full body workout that is guaranteed to give you the results you want. The routines are only thirty minutes long, and the best part is that there are no class times. You can walk into your local 9Round any time they are open and start your workout. So, in the words of Schlozman, “Have fun, put your dukes up and tell them Fit Bottomed Girls sent you!”

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

KOLO 8 News- 9Round Reno Is a Perfect Fit for Our Busy Schedules

How many of us can never find enough time in the day? Most of us can relate to this, but you would think that with all of our technological advances there should be more time in the day for us to enjoy ourselves or relax. However, with all our new technology to help us throughout our day we still can not seem to figure out how to add more hours in the day. In today’s world there actually seems to be less and less time. Our schedules just seem to get fuller and fuller, and we become stressed out and running from one place to the other. When you have work, family and social commitments, how can you schedule the time necessary to workout? It can seem impossible for most of us, but according to KOLO 8 News a 9Round fitness routine may be the answer that most of us are searching for. 

One of the biggest excuses people use for not working out is not having enough time. Wouldn’t it feel great knowing that you could easily overcome this excuse? Well, 9Round is here to help. 9Round offers a full body kickboxing fitness routine in only thirty minutes. You do not need to set aside a lot of time to get in an effective routine that can give you the results that you want. 9Round’s circuit training format also eliminates the need to have scheduled class times. You can stop by during regular gym hours and start your workout without having to worry about making a 5:00 or 6:00 class time. This can take a lot of the hassle out of your fitness routine and also your life. 

In the article Tammy Wadsworth, who like most mothers, can barely find enough time in her schedule to sleep let alone find the time to workout stated, “I’m a full-time working individual, I have a daughter and a family and all those other commitments that come with being an adult and plenty of excuses for not going to the gym.” When she discovered 9Round three months ago, she ran out of excuses. She is enjoying the results that her fitness routine is giving her. In only three months she is seeing a better toned body, more energy and enjoying the feeling of having her clothes fit better. According to Wadsworth, “it is just amazing to know that in only three months time a fitness routine that only lasts for thirty minutes could already be giving me these results that I have been searching for forever.”

 9Round is focused on their customers’ needs. Each and every fitness routine is overseen by a certified 9Round trainer. They are there to motivate you, ensure you perform each move properly and adjust your fitness routine to meet your needs. The routines are changed each day to make sure you remain engaged in your workout and never get bored. 9Round is all about helping its members surpass their fitness goals. We want you to achieve more than you ever thought you could and enjoy seeing how much we can positively impact each of our member’s lives. - See more at:

Workout Habits You Need to Drop

Many of us go to the gym to workout, and we may jump on the treadmill or elliptical and just stay there the entire time. We may find our workout routines as just that a routine. We do the same things over and over and become frustrated when we do not see the results that we want. We may be following the wrong workout habits but do not know it. Take a look at some of these bad habits and avoid them to help you lose those excess pounds and have a more efficient fitness routine.

  • Stay away from the elliptical. The elliptical does burn a lot of calories, but that is pretty much it. It is easy to slack off on the elliptical and lose focus. It happens to be one of the most boring machines at the gym. You can have a much more effective and engaging fitness routine by performing a 20-minute cross training circuit (burpees, jumping rope, etc.) than doing 45 minutes on the elliptical.
  • Having long fitness routines at a moderate pace. A lot of people think that a fitness routine has to last a long time to get results. However, if you kick it up a notch, you can workout for a shorter period of time. A more intense workout that lasts for only thirty minutes can give you the results that you want in no time. So, try working out at 100% for 30 minutes instead of at 75% for an hour and compare your results.
  • Losing focus. You have seen these people at the gym. They are on the phone, looking in the mirrors, fixing
  • their hair or just standing around. You do not want to end up like them. You want to go into the gym ready to workout. You should have a set plan and follow it. You need to make the most of what little time you have available to workout.
  • Strength Training. Most people believe that they only need to do cardio to lose weight, and that strength training is only for bodybuilders. This is not true. Strength training will not bulk you up, but it will build your muscle mass, which in turn will help you burn more calories. It is a great way to speed up your weight loss and help you shape and tone your body.
  • Using sports drinks. While most sports drinks may give you a boost, they are full of sugar and excess calories. You should try skipping these and hydrating yourself with water. It does not have any unnecessary calories or sugar and should keep you hydrated throughout your workout.
  • Doing the same thing over and over. When you do the same thing over and over, you may begin to find your fitness routine monotonous and boring. It also allows your body to get use to your routine making your routine too easy, which makes it hard to achieve the results that you want. You need to mix it up and add some excitement into your routine in order to get the results that you crave.
  • Working out alone. Some of us are able to stick to our fitness routines alone, but others need a partner to help keep them on the right track. They need to be held accountable by someone other than themselves, or their need for competition will help them perform at a much higher rate. It can also feel good to have someone there to cheer you on and motivate you.
It can be hard to find the time needed to workout in today’s world. That is why it is so important to ensure that we are not sabotaging our fitness routines. It is our responsibility to stick with our fitness routine and keep ourselves up to date with all the new fitness knowledge. We need to remain aware of how our little habits can affect our fitness routines and our results.
However, if you are a member of 9Round, you should not worry. At 9Round they give you an intense workout in only thirty minutes. Their fitness routines are changed daily to keep you engaged, and a certified 9Round trainer is with you every step of the way to ensure you perform each move properly and keep you motivated.
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9Round Virginia Beach Is Now Open

9Round is proud to announce the newest member of the 9Round family. 9Round Virginia Beach is now up and running. They hit a few snags along the way and their March 31st opening was delayed until April 8th. However, everything is completely operational now. We are conveniently located at 2301 Urchin Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23451 and encourage you to stop by and experience our one of a kind fitness routines. The first trial workout is always on us to help you get an idea of what our fitness routines will involve before you become a member.
9Round focuses on techniques from boxing and kickboxing and uses a circuit training format revolving around nine challenging fitness stations. Each station will last for three minutes. Because of our format we can offer our members a thirty minute full body workout with no class times. You can come by at your convenience because a new workout starts every three minutes. 9Round Virginia Beach offers its clients a month of unlimited workouts for only $49, which includes the gloves and wraps, a certified 9Round trainer to oversee all of your fitness routines and a convenient online nutrition guide to help you maintain a healthy diet and give a little added boost your weight loss results.
The new owners of 9Round Virginia Beach, Jenna and Jeff Brown are no strangers to the 9Round fitness concept. They are the current owners of 9Round Hampton Roads in Chesapeake, VA. They enjoyed owning their first 9Round so much that they could not wait to open their second location. They are happy to be helping the members of their Virginia community reach their health and fitness goals. It can be truly inspiring to see how much of a change you can make in someone’s life just by showing them a way that can actually work in helping them lose weight and achieve an overall healthier self. They are looking forward to successfully running their two franchises, and who knows, maybe opening more in the future.
If you would like more information on 9Round Virginia Beach or would like to stay up to date on any current gym news feel free to stop by their website or their facebook page. You can also stop by their location or call them with any questions or concerns at 757-321-2933. We look forward to hearing from you and can not wait to give you the chance to experience the 9Round fitness concept. We know you will be hooked just as we were.
If you are wanting to take the plunge and are interested in owning your own 9Round fitness franchise take a second to look at our franchise web page. We have many answers to the most common questions our future franchise owners have, and if we do not address any questions or concerns you may have you can contact us directly through the website. If you like what you see and can not wait to get in on owning your very own 9Round franchise, you should go ahead and fill out the request for consideration form to get on the fast track to owning your own business.
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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Workout as a Couple

There are so many articles out there that go into depth with how to workout by yourself. I figured it was time to help all those couples out there find some ways to workout together. It can be great having some fun with your partner, while you each help one another to stay fit and healthy. There are so many different ways to do this. It can be exciting just trying to decide what you should do. Here we will take a look at just a few of the options available.

  • Take a dance class. I know a lot of the guys out there may not be as excited about this as the ladies, but if you want to romance her this would be perfect. And, believe me, she would love it. You do not have to be perfect. In fact you will probably not be great. It is new to you, and you have to learn all the moves just like any other sport or fitness class. So, stop feeling so shy and go out there and have some fun with your partner.
  • Try a martial arts class. It can be a little scary for most of you to think about your partner throwing punches or kicking at you. However, you will be in protective padding, and you also get the chance to kick and punch at them. It can feel great being able to get rid of some of that pent up frustration and anger you may feel towards each other and get in top physical shape at the same time.
  • Go for a hike. This time of year when everything is blooming can be beautiful. You can go to your local nature trail and spend a nice day of solitude with your partner. It can be peaceful, and you could even stop and have a nice romantic picnic. You can spend some alone time away from everyone and achieve a few fitness goals. It seems like a win-win situation.
  • Clean. I know most women and men hate this one. However, you can burn a lot of calories by just cleaning your house. You will be able to finish your chores and get in a little extra physical activity. The best part is that you can help your partner finish cleaning earlier than usual, which means more quality time with you.
  • Have an active date night. Most of us like to go out to dinner and a movie for our dates, but why not do something a little more physically active? You could go play some tennis, go swimming or rent a canoe on the lake. You could try skating, mountain biking or just taking a nice scenic bike ride. There are so many things to do that can get you out of the house and working out together that are inexpensive and even a little romantic, so you should try to be creative and exciting.

Staying fit and healthy can be the perfect way for you and your partner to become closer to one another and help your relationship grow. It is also great for your fitness goals. You may be surprised at how much a little competition and motivation from your partner can spur you into reaching goals you never thought were possible.
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Great news 9Round fanatics. We are excited to announce that 9Round Eden Prairie was just awarded the title of best gym in Minneapolis by This is a great honor, not just for our Eden Prairie gym but for all of our franchises. We should all feel proud that our fitness routine was recognized in City Pages, and all of us should be extremely proud of all the hard work our team at Eden Prairie put in to be recognized by City Pages and the city of Minneapolis. 9Round Eden Prairie put in a lot of effort to earn this recognition. We know they must be really excited and proud that all their time and commitment is being recognized. This award also shows us that people are loving the uniqueness of our fitness routines and all the hard work and long hours that everyone is putting in is paying off.

It is exciting to know that our fitness routine is being so well received by our customers. It just goes to show you that you can break the fitness mold and earn a little respect along the way. We may not be the conventional gym that has treadmills, stationary bikes or ellipticals, but we can easily help people get into the best shape of their lives. Our routines are engaging and different, so people are excited about their workout routines and really enjoying getting fit and losing weight. The ease of fitting a 9Round fitness routine into people’s hectic schedules is also giving them a great reason to sing our praises. How many gyms can offer no class times and a full body workout in only thirty minutes that is guaranteed to give their members the results that they want? I can only think of one gym out there. That’s right, only here at 9Round!

It can feel wonderful getting honored for all the time and effort it requires to run your own business. It can mean so much to know that people are appreciating what you are doing and the community is benefiting from what you are bringing to it. It gives you the chance to see that your members are more than just members. It kind of gives you the chance to breathe and realize your business matters, and you made it. So, keep putting in those long hours and hard work, and who knows maybe you will be the next franchise location to earn an award or some other type of recognition.
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How to Recover After an Intense Workout

Most of us can relate to feeling sore after an especially intense workout. We may have went to the gym and tried a new workout, gave a little too much or just didn’t know our limits. Then the next day we are feeling the burn. Our muscles are sore, and our body is aching in places we never knew existed until today. We usually find ourselves begging for relief as we are dragging ourselves to work the next day. There are a few tips you can follow in order to help speed your recovery and get you back to your workout routine a little bit quicker.

Try to stay moving
This sounds terrible when it hurts to move, but if you are able to stand a little light exercise it can help you recover faster. Remember to listen to your body and keep it light. You could try some easy walking or swimming, anything that is not too intense. You need to wait until your muscles are fully repaired before you jump back into any intense exercise. This will usually take about three days, but everyone is different. Therefore, you need to be aware of all the signals your body is sending.

Eat the right foods to repair your muscles
There are certain foods and nutrients that can speed up the recovery process. According to research studies done in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine and the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine you should eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon avocados and almonds. It has been revealed that omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation, which is most likely what is causing your muscle soreness. Muscle soreness may also be a sign of dehydration, so it is very important to drink water to combat this.

Switch up hot and cold baths
Alternating hot and cold therapy is a tried and true method many use. It is not the most comfortable method to use, but it does work. You have to rotate between hot water baths and ice cold baths, spending a minute in each bath. According to Terri Walsh, a celebrity fitness trainer, the cold bath acts as a natural analgesic, which soothes your muscles and then the hot bath works to relaxes them. If you prefer you can apply heat and ice packs instead to get the aforementioned results.

Get enough sleep
During sleep, our bodies repair themselves. We need to make sure we get enough sleep to help repair our muscles faster. If you are able to, you should try to take naps throughout the day. However, it may be difficult for most of us to take breaks from our hectic schedules, so you should at least try to get eight hours of sleep to help your body recover.

When you push yourself too far during your workout, you can be sure that you will feel it the next day. However, do not let this discourage you from exercising. You need to learn from your experiences and get to know your limits. You need to allow your body to heal by following some of our tips and move on. You should never let this feeling give you the excuse you are looking for to quit your fitness routine.
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