Wednesday, March 26, 2014

9Round is Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top New Franchises List

In the latest issue of Entrepreneur Magazine, they released their list of franchises that are off to a big start. This list contains fifty seven of the top most successful new franchises. In order to be on this list, you have to be one of the franchises previously listed in Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500, and each of the businesses listed must have began franchising within the last five years. Entrepreneur Magazine states that the last five years has been a difficult time to start a business, but somehow even in these tough economic times, these franchises have helped thousands of people achieve their dream of owning their own successful business. This makes 9Round especially proud to be ranked number eighteen out of fifty seven on Entrepreneur Magazine’s list of top new franchises.
    Entrepreneur Magazine’s latest list recognizes the growing trends in business. There are many different types of businesses that are trending now, but they state that in the last few years the biggest area of growth in the franchise industry is beyond a doubt happening in the fitness industry. The fitness industry has experienced a major boom, not only in America, but throughout the world. Many people are realizing the importance of maintaining some sort of fitness routine to lead a happy and healthy life. In fact there are fifteen fitness franchises on Entrepreneur’s top new franchises list. That is approximately 26% of their list. You can see how recession proof the fitness industry seems to be. It is amazing that this industry seems to be thriving in a time when most businesses are feeling the pinch.
    9Round is growing exponentially thanks, not only to the rising popularity of the fitness industry, but also because of its easy to follow and well laid out business model, which focuses on only what is necessary. Our low start up and operating costs also attracts many aspiring business owners. A 9Round fitness routine focuses on techniques from boxing and martial arts. Most of the routines center around punching and kicking heavy bags, so there is no need to invest in complicated machinery. Most of our gyms can be set up in 1000 to 1500 square feet, which is a pretty small space when compared to other gyms. You only need to buy and invest in the necessary equipment. Most of our gyms can be run with as little as one to four employees. All of these combine to help you maintain a low overhead and a low startup cost.
    9Round prides itself on helping others achieve their dreams of owning their own business. We want others to enjoy the same great success that we have. We want you to experience the joy of seeing your own business succeed and become profitable just as we have. That is why we came up with our simple business plan that requires the minimal investment from our aspiring 9Round owners. If you want to learn more about franchise opportunities in your area please stop by our franchise website. You can find the answers to many of your questions there, or you can contact us through the website with any concerned or unanswered questions. If you like what you see , you can go ahead and fill out the request for consideration form to be on your way to owning your own 9Round.
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The Rise of Boutique Fitness Centers

It is no secret that in the past few years fitness franchising has experienced exponential growth and popularity. The fitness industry is one of the fastest growing business sectors in today’s tough economic times. However, the fitness industry has recently seen a new trend emerge. In a world once dominated by the big box gyms, it is the smaller boutique type of gyms that are experiencing the biggest growth spurt.
    Why are these boutique style fitness centers experiencing this boom in our troubled economic times? There are many reasons that entrepreneurs are opting for the smaller, more condensed gym over the bigger, more complex gyms. Here are just a few of the many benefits a boutique style fitness center has to offer its owners:
  • Cost less to open (when compared to larger gyms)
  • Require a minimal amount of employees
  • Easier to run (when compared to larger gyms)
  • Less equipment
  • Attract a loyal customer base:
    • Members are passionate about your gym and what it offers
    • Members know they are more than a number
    • Customers love the service and the attention from the smaller sized gyms
    Kickboxing fitness centers are currently one of the more popular boutique type fitness centers. You can probably drive through your town and at least see one or two kickboxing fitness centers. You may think that kickboxing has gotten its growth spurt from a rise in male participants; however, you would be wrong. In the past few years, the number of female participants has continued to grow in leaps and bounds. In most classes females outnumber the male participants three to one. So, kickboxing can thank its increase in female followers for its rising popularity.
    If you want to take advantage of two of the fastest growing trends in fitness today, then you should look into owning your own 9Round Fitness Franchise. 9Round combines techniques from boxing and martial arts to give its members a total body kickboxing workout in only thirty minutes. We want to see all aspiring entrepreneurs achieve their dreams of owning their own business. We can help them do this by, just like any other boutique style fitness center, keeping our start-up costs low, requiring the minimal equipment and employees and offering top notch customer service to our franchisees. If you are interested in owning your own 9Round, please feel free to stop by our franchise page and fill out the request for consideration form.
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The Successful Growth of 9Round

9Round started in 2008. In the years after its founding, it has seen rapid growth. In 2009 9Round began franchising. Then in 2013, while partnering with Snap Fitness, they were able to grow their locations from just thirty seven open country wide to an impressive one hundred locations. Also in 2013 9Round was honored with a spot in Entrepreneur Magazine’s “Top 500 Franchises List.” 9Round was delighted to come in at number 443 on their “Top 500 Franchises List.” Then in the beginning of 2014 9Round officially opened their 100th location in Middleton, CT. The recent growth spurt gave 9Round a boost in Entrepreneur Magazine’s “Top 500 Franchises List,” moving it up 141 spots to land at number 302.
    According to the founder and CEO of 9Round Shannon Hudson the company is just now gaining momentum. He only expects more and more growth in the future. Hudson has immense faith in his brand and feels that the number of gyms opening across the country only goes to prove that the public also shares in his faith. He looks forward to not only growing the number of clubs across the country but is also planning to expand worldwide. He has plans to expand their franchises into Canada, Mexico, Australia, Europe and Asia. Hudson wants to achieve his dream of becoming a known worldwide brand name and sees it within his reach. He does not expect the growth of 9Round to slow anytime soon but to keep building. He admits that a lot of their growth has been accelerated through their partnership with Snap Fitness, which has over 1400 locations. They can give 9Round a lot of extra added horsepower to their growth spurt.
    Much of the appeal of 9Round is their unique fitness routines. They combine elements of boxing and martial arts to give you a complete and total body workout in only thirty minutes. Each routine revolves around nine challenging stations that focus on cardio, weights, strength building and building your core. There are many added benefits to a 9Round workout. The ease of circuit training allows them to offer workouts with no class times. You can walk into any 9Round and know that a new workout starts every three minutes. There is always apersonal trainer with you. Each and every step of your fitness routine will be overseen by a certified 9Round trainer. They will ensure you are correctly performing each move and that you are working out at your proper fitness level. They will also be your own cheerleading squad, pushing you and motivating you to achieve your fitness goals. 9Round has a lot of pride in their fitness routines and guarantees that they will give you the results that you want fast.
    The growth of 9Round started from the inside. There were many trainers and members that wanted to become owners of their own 9Round. They wanted people across the country to experience the effects of a 9Round fitness routine. They believed in the routines and achieved the results they wanted. They were so excited that they did not want to keep it to themselves but wanted others to know the joy of achieving their goals. If you are interested in becoming an owner of your very own 9Round Fitness Center then feel free to stop by the franchise section of our website. There are many facts and figures concerning the opening and start up of a 9Round Gym. Many of the more common franchise questions are answered, and you can see the amount needed to invest in your own gym. You can contact us from the website if you have any unanswered questions or concerns, or if you like what you see then please fill out the request for consideration form to fast track the process of owning your very own 9Round.
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Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Fast Track Your Weight Loss

Most of us start a fitness routine in order to lose weight and push ourselves to work harder to quickly achieve our goals. However, it may be best for us to forget about that extreme diet and over the top fitness routine. Many studies show that this may not be the most effective way to reach our goals. In fact, most of these studies have found that you will most likely succeed in your fitness routine if you take baby steps and not giant leaps. You will get more noticeable results that tend to last longer, and at the same time, this gradual increase in your workout routine will lower your risk of injury. It can be hard in the beginning of any fitness routine trying to decide the best and quickest way to get the results that you want. Here are a few tips that we have compiled for you to help you safely fast track your fitness routine.

Proceed at a gradual and consistent pace
You do not need to start your fitness routine by running a marathon. You want to build up to it. You need to condition your body first. It does not matter how many reps you do, how much weight you can lift or how long your fitness routine lasts. All you need to do is keep challenging your body, and when your fitness routine is not that challenging take the time to build onto it. Your fitness routine needs to keep progressing in order for you to achieve results. According to a study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, participants who made one small, permanent change in their food choices or physical activity each week, such as consuming one less cup of soda or jogging 2 more laps a day actually lost more than twice as much belly fat, an extra 2½ inches off their waistlines, and about 4 times more weight during a 4-month program, when compared with those who stuck to the traditional calorie-restriction and physical-activity guidelines. (Huffington Post).

Follow the one mile rule
Most Americans love their car. It is our preferred form of transportation. Most of us use our cars everyday. Did you know that Americans use their cars for two-thirds of all trips that are less than one mile and 89% of all car trips range between one to two miles? We could easily get in some extra workout time if we put away the car for the shorter trips and walk or jog. Did you know that each additional hour you spend driving is associated with a 6% increase in obesity? This can have a huge effect on our fitness routines, especially when we add up all the time we spend in our cars. You can shed some extra fat by following the one mile rule, which states that if your trip is less than one mile away, you will walk instead of drive, or you could park where you can go to several places within a mile instead of moving your car each time. If you find the time to walk every day, by the next year you will lose around thirteen to seventeen pounds.

Get enough shut eye
With our hectic schedules, many of us find ourselves burning the midnight oil. This can have an adverse effect on our weight loss goals. We need to set aside the appropriate amount of time to sleep. If you make it a point to go to bed earlier then you should begin to see weight loss within a week. A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that just a few nights of sleep deprivation can cause you to almost immediately gain weight. The study called for the participants to sleep about ten hours a night for the first two days, followed by five nights of sleep deprivation. They were then given four nights to recover. At the end of the eleven days, the sleep-deprived group had gained almost three pounds more than the well-rested control group. Sleeping is an important part of our daily routines. It is needed to help our bodies rest and recover from not only physical demands of our day but also the mental and emotional demands of our day, so it would be beneficial for you to set up the time needed to get the recommended amount of sleep per day.
It can be hard to stick to a fitness routine long enough to see the benefits and results of it. We may start our routines with a full speed ahead type of attitude but more often than not we become discouraged. We begin to think that we will never be able to achieve our weight loss goals. However, if we look at the smaller picture we would be able to take pride in our progress and see that we are headed in the right direction. Lesley Lutes, PhD, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at East Carolina University states that “when you focus on a few small changes at a time, you start to form some healthy habits that will last for a lifetime, rather than trying an all-or-nothing approach that more often than not fails because it is too hard to follow.” So, start out small and focus on the little things, and you may just be surprised when you surpass your fitness goals.
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How to Lose That Unwanted Belly Fat

Most people assume that in order to achieve a flat stomach, they need to do an endless amount of perfectly executed crunches. However, you can not spot train one section of your body and expect to lose weight in only that one section. You can achieve added muscle mass from abdominal strength training but spot reduction is impossible. You need to have an entire body fat reduction in order to achieve the flat stomach of your dreams. A form of highly intense aerobic activity may be your best bet at losing your excess belly fat.

Try a sprint interval training routine
Interval training is a type of working out where you alternate periods of high-intensity exercise with a low-intensity recovery period. Research has shown that interval training burn more calories over a short amount of time than a steady-state cardio routine, one where you do the same thing for your entire workout period. Sprint interval training is an intense form of working out that burns a lot of fat and strengthens your abs. Many may become discouraged by sprinting to lose weight; however, when properly executed this type of fitness routine will quickly give you your desired results. According to the American Council on Exercise this type of routine allows the body to perform at 100% of its aerobic capacity. This increases your endurance and boosts your metabolism, which enhances your body’s capacity to burn fat.

Try a high-intensity interval training fitness routine
This workout requires you to perform short and fast bursts of sprinting in one-minute periods. You must perform a thorough and complete warm-up prior to performing this type of fitness routine. You should participate in your sprint intervals in moderation and according to your fitness level. This intense form of cardio is usually performed in segments that last from four to thirty minutes. You should participate in at least a two minute jog prior to each of your one-minute bursts of sprinting. Usually a workout of this nature consists of your warm up, followed by anywhere from three to ten repetitions of high intensity exercise, which are broken up by medium intensity exercise to aid in recovery, and ending your cool down. The high intensity exercise should be done at near maximum intensity. The medium exercise should be performed at 50% intensity. You should not perform this kind of exercise more than twice a week, in order to avoid injury.

Do not forget weight training
A total belly fat blasting fitness routine consists of both cardio and weight training. Weight training perfectly complements your cardio routine to help you shed that excess belly fat. Weight training helps to tone your body and build your muscle mass. Studies have discovered that muscle burns more calories than fat; therefore, the more muscle mass you have the more calories you will burn. We all know that the more calories we burn, the more fat we will shed. So, in order to lose our spare tires and get our abs toned and shaped we must add some sort of weight lifting to our fitness routines to enhance the effects of our cardio fitness routines.

It can be difficult for many of us to shed that excess belly fat. It is one of the hardest areas for us to shape and tone. It is a problem area for many that they just do not know how to target. There is no easy solution, and it can be difficult for many, especially for those new to their fitness routines. In the beginning, you need to stick to your fitness routine and experiment with different forms and levels of exercising to find what works for you. It may be difficult to discover what your perfect fitness level is in the beginning, but do not give up, you will quickly find your groove. The best way to achieve the stomach and body of your dreams is to look for surefire fitness routines that are guaranteed to burn fat and not just center on your stomach but your entire body.
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Tips for Beginning a Kickboxing Fitness Routine

Kickboxing can be a fun and effective fitness routine; however, you need to stay focused and pay attention to your body to get the most out of this fitness routine and avoid any unnecessary injuries. It is better for you to start out with a trainer to help ensure that you do not overstep your boundaries and workout within your fitness level. At 9Round our certified trainers can help ensure that you are performing each move correctly and are staying within your correct fitness level. However, there are still some important factors you should take into consideration while performing this type of routine. Here are just a few tips to remember when you are practicing a kickboxing fitness routine.

Look for a personal trainer that teaches the basics
When you first begin your kickboxing journey it is important to find a trainer that teaches the basics. A trainer needs to  take their time explaining each move and drilling it over and over until you are completely comfortable with performing this particular move. You want to find an instructor with the right qualifications and certifications, and one that can thoroughly explain each move in a way that you can understand and easily follow. Most instructors will allow you to visit their gym before you sign up to ensure that they will be a good fit for you. At 9Round, we want you to have the chance to experience our routines before you commit to them. Your first workout is always on us. Our trainers want you to see how great we can lead you through your workout. They want to help you achieve your goals by ensuring that you are performing each move correctly and performing at your peak level.

Know your fitness level
Kickboxing can be an intense and fast-paced fitness routine. It is important that you know your limits and stay closely within these limits. It is important to push yourself to achieve the results you want, but if you are a beginner, you should always start out slowly and ease into any type of fitness program. You do not want to overdo it and injure yourself before you see any progress. At 9Round our trainers can adapt your fitness routine to ensure that you do not overexert yourself. We want you to achieve the results that you want, but we also want to ensure that you do not injure yourself. You need to condition your body to your routine, and in kickboxing you will be performing many moves that will workout and stretch muscles that you never knew you had. Our certified 9Round trainers know how to properly prepare and stretch your muscles for our intense and fast paced workouts, but it is also necessary for you to know your body and what you are capable of doing to avoid any injuries.

Do not overexert yourself
It is important not to overstep your boundaries to ensure that you do not overexert or injury yourself. Just because a class is an hour long does not mean you have to workout the entire hour. A 9Round kickboxing fitness routine consists of nine challenging stations that last for three minutes each; however, as a beginner we encourage you to take your time. If you feel as if you can not last for the full three minutes or need a break, then you can take that necessary break. Also, you do not need to feel any pressure to automatically complete all nine stations. Many newcomers do not finish all the stations. It is perfectly normal, and it is best to pay attention to your body when it says you are pushing yourself too hard. You do not want to slack off, but also you should never overexert yourself. If you need to take a breather then by all means take a rest, catch your breath and then feel free to jump right back in there once you have had the chance to catch your breath, of course.

I know many of you may think, you need to push yourself over the edge to achieve the results you want, but this is not true. Our 9Round trainers will motivate and push you to keep going, but we will never push you too far past your limits. We know that this kind of extreme fitness attitude can set many up for failure. They work themselves past their limits and injure themselves before they had a chance to experience any benefits from their fitness routine, and many of us would quit a fitness routine that injures us in the beginning. At 9Round, we want you to achieve your fitness goals and will do whatever we can to help you reach your dreams. We know that In order for you to stay true to your fitness routine, you need to stay true to yourself by listening to your body and finding what will specifically work for you.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Motivation Brought to You by 9Round

It is important to include a fitness routine in our daily lives; however, many people can not find the motivation to get up and get going. At 9Round, we offer our clients many different forms of motivation. Our certified 9Round trainers are there to help you throughout each and every one of your routines, and your routines can be adapted by our trainers to fit your needs and your fitness goals. We want you to succeed and will be there for you every step of the way. However, it is up to you to discover your motivation and find what will work best for you.

Our trainers are your own personal cheerleaders
Our trainers are with you every step of the way in your fitness routine. They are not only there to help guide you through your fitness routine and ensure that you are performing each move correctly to get the best results quickly but to also give you support and motivation. They will be cheering you on and pushing you to do just one more set. They will encourage you to work harder and go faster than you thought you ever could. It will become second nature to you to keep setting and beating your own personal bests. It will appear so much easier to stick to your fitness routine when you have someone in your corner who truly wants you to succeed. This little bit of support can work wonders for helping you stick to your fitness routine and will help you to quickly achieve your fitness goals.

Our routines are adaptable
If it is hard for you to stay motivated, you could try to change your fitness routine every 14 days. A study done at the University of Florida found that people who switched up their workouts twice a month were more likely to stick to their fitness routines when compared to those who changed their fitness routines whenever they felt like it. At 9Round, we pride ourselves on how dynamic our fitness routines are. Our trainers can easily adapt your fitness routine to fit you and your needs. If we see that things are becoming too easy for you, we can easily up the pace or the amount of weight you are lifting. We want you to feel challenged and engaged throughout your workout to keep you interested and motivated in reaching your fitness goals. We also change our routines daily to help ward off boredom and give you some added variety to your workout.

    Motivation can be a hang up for many people. It is one of the top excuses for quitting a fitness routine. Many of us may feel that we can not find the motivation to stick to our fitness routines. We may find it boring or do not see the results that others are having. Basically, our fitness routines require a lot of hard work that we feel is not paying off or just does not interest us anymore. However, we need to find the strength to continue our fitness routines to live a happy and healthy life. We need to take responsibility for our exercise routines, and when we feel as if we are losing motivation, we need to find ways to regain our motivation. It may be as easy as switching up our routines or finding a friend to workout with that will motivate us to achieve our goals.
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How to Avoid Injuries in Your Exercise Routine

You workout consistently on a regular basis. You put in all the necessary time and effort, but how do you know if you are achieving all that you can and playing it safe? You want to make sure that you are performing at your peak level but not pushing yourself too far, too fast. The last thing you want to do is injure yourself and cause an abrupt end to your fitness routine by going too far beyond your limits. So, if you are a fitness newbie, how will you learn your limits and know if you are safely and correctly performing all the exercises in your workout  routine? It can be difficult, but we have compiled a few tips here that may help you along the way.

  1. You should always complete an adequate warm up. Many people like to skip this important step and just jump right into their fitness routine. However, this could cause you an injury, which could sideline your fitness routine. We all know that you do not need to have a wrench thrown into your fitness routine and suffer an unexpected break from your normal exercise routines. You want to have an efficient and customized warm up that allows your body to get prepared for your workout routine. You need to loosen up and get your heart pumping at a gradual rate before you go in full force, which makes the warm up an essential part of your fitness routine.
  2. Do not be afraid to ask for help. You should not expect to walk into a gym and know everything about it. It is understandable to not know what you should do, especially if you are new to the fitness scene. One of the worst things you could do is go in there and follow around others and copy what they are doing. They could be at a far more progressed level than you, and you could end up injuring yourself from mimicking their routine. One of your options would be to ask the staff at the gym for assistance. This is what they are there for, to help you. They will have the knowledge to help you work the machines and ensure that you do not go too fast or lift too much weight. Another option would be to hire a personal trainer, even if it is just for the beginning to ease you into an efficient workout routine. Their expertise can get you started on the right track and help you set up the perfect fitness plan to achieve your goals.
  3. Use the proper form and posture. There are many reasons that you need to learn the correct way to perform an exercise move. You may not be working all of your muscles correctly if you do not have your form down to a tee, which can affect your results. If you spend long hours at the gym, I am pretty sure that you want to achieve the best results. This can be ensured by properly maintaining your form throughout the exercise. You also want to avoid any costly and unnecessary injuries. If you do not use the proper form, you may end up putting stress on a part of your body that is unable to handle it. This can cause aches and pains along with strains and pulled muscles or even worse. It is important to learn the proper form and posture from day one to make sure that your fitness routine is effective and safe.

    One of the biggest fitness fads today is pushing yourself beyond your limits. However, you need to remember to play it safe. It is fine to work hard and push yourself but do not go too far beyond what you are capable of to ensure that you do not injure yourself. It is easy to get caught up in what somebody else is doing or what somebody else is achieving, but everyone is different, as are their fitness levels and fitness goals. You have to be you and be proud of being you. As long as you know that you are working as hard as you can and achieving all that you can, then you should congratulate yourself. You are working towards your goal and not giving up, which is the perfect reason to pat yourself on the back.
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Do Not Let Your Job Distract You From Being Fit

Today’s world can seem frantic and fast-paced. There never seems to be enough time in the day to fit in our entire schedule, and this can make it hard to stick to a consistent and effective fitness routine. However, many scientific studies have found that you need at least twenty minutes of vigorous exercise a day to live a healthy and happy life. So, how can we squeeze in an effective fitness routine into our already overwhelming schedules? We have compiled a few tricks that may help you fit in some vigorous activity in the small amount of time you have available.

  1. Become a member of a gym near your job. If you are lucky enough to work near a gym do not be afraid to take advantage of it. You can get up early and stop by before work, or you could go by after work instead of going to a bar with your coworkers. It is a lot healthier for you and can also help alleviate the stress of a hectic day far better than a drink. If you can not find the time before or after work, you can always go during your lunch hour. Any time you can squeeze in will be fine, as long as you can find the time to go and be active.
  2. Turn your commute into your own fitness routine. Do you live close enough to your  job to walk, jog, bike or even skip? Any way you can find to get in a workout that can make your heart start pumping is great. This early time of the day is a nice slot of available free time that you could easily use to squeeze in some sort of physical activity. You can save money on gas, bus fare or the subway and get fit and healthy at the same time. So, why not skip the car or mass transit every now and then and start moving?
  3. If you have your own office, you can try an office workout. There are so many quick and easy workouts available today that you can try in your office. You can buy a dvd or search the internet for workouts that last less than ten minutes and require little or no equipment. They even have websites that you can subscribe to that will give you a new workout everyday. You can also do simple exercises like jumping jacks, lunges or squats throughout your day. The options are infinite and will make it so much easier to squeeze in the recommended time of physical activity.
  4. Find a co-worker to be your workout buddy. It is easier to stick to a fitness routine and find the time to workout when we have someone else depending on us and motivating us to do our best. You and your co-worker can be a fitness team. You can go to the gym together or jog to work together. You could both skip the late night bar scene and instead visit the gym together. You may even end up competing with each other or challenging yourself to keep up with them. It can easily turn into a win-win situation for both of you.
  5. Find a fitness class you enjoy. It can be hard to find the time to visit the gym for a fitness routine that we find monotonous or grueling. So, why not look for something you enjoy? It can help you stay active and have fun at the same time. There are so many classes available that it may be hard to choose just one. You could go take karate, dance, yoga or skating. Anything that makes you break a sweat and gets your heart pumping will be perfect. Finding an activity that you enjoy will help you stay motivated, stave off boredom and have you looking forward to your next workout.
    In today’s world our jobs may take up the majority of our time, but this does not mean that we should sacrifice our health and happiness because of it. It can be difficult finding the time for our families or to socialize, yet alone the time to workout. However, many professionals today are becoming more and more out of shape, and you do not want this to happen to you. The only way to achieve a happy and healthy lifestyle is to find the time in this frantic world to workout. We need to realize that fitness is important and treat it as a top priority, and as a top priority, we need to use any bit of free time that we can to squeeze in a little physical activity.
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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Creating an Action Plan for Your Fitness Routine

We all know that we need to stay active to have the body of our dreams and stay healthy. It is easy for us to say we want to workout, but when it comes time to actually workout, many of us find it much harder to stick to our fitness routines. Why is this true? You would think the research behind having a consistent fitness routine would be enough to get us going. However, most of us can come up with a million reasons to quit our exercise routines, such as we do not have enough time, our routines are too hard, we get bored or do not see the results that we want. Well, it is time for us to put an end to all of our excuses and get active by sticking to our plan of action with these tips.

  1. You need to commit. Now is not the time for excuses. You need to find the willpower   within yourself to stick to your guns. You know you will be healthier and happier if you stick to a consistent fitness routine. You could join one of the many fitness challenges at your gym to help you stick to your fitness routine. Many gyms will have contests to see who works out the most in one week, who can do the most push ups during a period of time or many other different contests. You should check with your gym to see what they offer. You can also join a fitness challenge on the internet. They usually start out slowly     and keep building. Most of them will last about a month, which can  help you turn your fitness routine into a habit.
  2. You should come up with a detailed plan. Many people do not have much time to waste in their daily lives, so you want to make your trips to the gym effective and worthwhile. So, how can you make sure you are using your time wisely? You need to have a plan because you do not want to just wander aimlessly around the gym from     machine to machine unsure of what your are doing or what exercise is next. You will not get anything accomplished and will not see the results that you want. You want to have a detailed map of your fitness routine and have set and clear goals for what you want to achieve. By doing this, you will be able to prioritize your workout and achieve the goals you want.
  3. You should make a schedule and stick to it. Luckily, there is not a certain time you need to exercise. You have the option of selecting the time that works best for you. You can go in the morning, afternoon, evening or night. It is up to you. However, the best thing to do is set aside a certain time that you will always be free. If you go to the gym at the same time on certain days, you will be able to form a habit. Your body will get use to working out on lets say Monday evening, so you will automatically begin to go there without you even thinking about it, which can be a big help when you are trying to stick to your fitness routine. Consistency is a must for any fitness routine to be effective.
  4. You need to keep a record of your progress. You need to have a record of how you are progressing that you can     physically see. Also you need to remember to focus on everything in your journal and not just weight loss or how many dress sizes you dropped. You need to record the types of exercises you did, how many reps you did and how long it took to do them, how much weight you used and so forth. Every minute detail can show you how you have been successful, so it is best to include everything that you can. This type of record can also make it easier to see how you can improve your workout, such as is it time to go faster, add some more reps or add some more weight to ensure that you do not hit a plateau and keep progressing in your fitness routine.

    It can be hard to find the time to fit in a fitness routine, so you want to ensure that when you do workout that it is well worth your time and effort. You need to find a fitness routine that you enjoy that is effective and well-rounded. The more planned out and consistent you are, the easier it will be to stick to your fitness routine. Now is the time to live a healthier and happier life by putting an end to the many excuses we use to abandon our fitness routines.
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The Benefits of a Personal Trainer

When most people think about a personal trainer, they imagine someone who is highly trained but expensive. We believe that only celebrities, pro athletes or the upper class are the only ones who can afford a personal trainer. So, many of us trudge through our fitness routines that may not be very effective and assume that we can not afford the luxury of a personal trainer. However, times are changing. There are many more options than there once was, and it is far easier for you to find an affordable personal trainer these days. In fact, at 9Round fitness we offer all of our clients a personal trainer at no extra cost. You can enjoy the many added benefits of a personal trainer’s expertise but still not have to break the bank.

You are a fitness newbie
A personal trainer can help people that are new to fitness or returning after a break get started on the right foot. It can be difficult for someone new to fitness to develop a proper and effective fitness routine, and a personal trainer’s expertise can come in handy when you are searching for an effective fitness routine. You want to know your limits and not push yourself too hard in the beginning. At 9Round our personal trainers will be able to help you find your correct fitness level and adapt your fitness routine to help prevent any fitness related injuries and get you the best results. Our certified trainers also ensure that you are using the correct form throughout your workout to help lower your risk of injury and give you an effective fitness routine with fast results.

You are not achieving your fitness goals
Sometimes we work hard and do everything that we can but do not achieve the results we want. We may have reached a lull in our fitness routine and have noticed that our weight loss has slowed or stopped altogether. A personal trainer can look at your fitness routine and see if you need to up the pace or add more weight to achieve your desired results. They can also look at your diet and make suggestions on ways to improve what you may be eating. A personal trainer can also analyze your fitness goals to make sure they are not too far out of reach. If your goals are unrealistic then you may set yourself up for failure, which can cause you to lose your motivation and quit your fitness routine. At 9Round, our trainers are totally involved in helping you set and reach your fitness goals. We are here for you and will do whatever it takes to help you achieve your fitness and weight loss dreams.

You have become bored with your fitness routine
Anyone can get bored doing the same thing over and over. There may come a time in anyone’s fitness routine that they experience the feeling of boredom. Exercise requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but the same old pattern over and over tends to become boring. In fact, boredom is a common excuse many give for quitting their fitness routines. At 9Round we combat the  boredom excuse by changing our routines daily and giving our personal trainers the option of adapting your fitness routine to meet your needs. A personal trainer can suggest new ways to add some excitement to your everyday exercises. A personal trainer can help you to stay engaged during your workouts and keep things interesting, while at the same time, ensuring that each workout routine is fun and effective. At 9Round our trainers will be with you every step of the way pushing you and motivating you to succeed.

You are recovering from an injury
If you do sustain an injury while working out, you may feel reluctant to jump right back into your fitness routine. It may be scary and many may give up after experiencing an injury. It will take a lot of courage and knowledge to get back into shape, but you can do it. Furthermore, a personal trainer can be a great tool to ease you back into shape. They can help you find the best fitness routine to gradually help you get back into shape and ensure that you are at a lower risk for reinjuring yourself. All you need to do is let your personal trainer know about your fears and any health problems you may have, not just those associated with your injury. It can help put you at ease knowing that you have an expert watching over you and making sure you are playing it safe, and this can be a big help in overcoming any fears of hurting yourself while working out again.

    Personal trainers are becoming more and more popular in today’s world, and it is easy to see why. At 9Round we want you to have the chance to experience what a personal trainer can offer you without having to spend the big bucks. Personal trainers have a vast amount of knowledge that can help us throughout our fitness routines, and they can help us stay motivated to achieve all of our fitness goals. We can lower our risk of injury by using one and have someone to keep us positive throughout any lulls or dips in our fitness routines. It can always be beneficial to have someone who is on our side during our weight loss journey pushing us and encouraging us to achieve our dreams.
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Monday, March 10, 2014

Heavy Weights for a Skinnier You

There are many reasons to consider adding a weight lifting component to your exercise routine. However, when you hear the term heavy weights, you probably think of some huge and bulked up body builder. However, this perception could not be more untrue. Did you know that using heavy weights could actually put you on the fast track to losing those excess pounds? Most of us are looking for that quick fix to losing weight and toning our bodies and adding weights or increasing the weights we currently use in our fitness routines may be the perfect way to quickly achieve our weight loss and fitness goals.
Quickly lose any excess weight
Most of us are looking for the fastest and most efficient way possible to shed those excess pounds. According to Katy Clark, a trainer and healthy chef, whatever weight you are using, if you are not tired or feeling it by rep number ten then you need to go for a weight that is a little bit heavier. If you are constantly progressing and increasing your weight, you will quickly be able to notice changes in not only your strength but also your muscle mass, and as many of us know, muscle burns more calories than fat. Therefore, your increased muscle mass will lead to more calories burned, which in turn burns fat faster. Therefore, in order to achieve your maximum fat burning potential, your best bet may be to add some weight lifting exercises to your current fitness routine.
Tone and reshape your body
Cardio is an important component of your fitness routine and a well-known and effective way to help you burn fat and lose weight. However, if you want to achieve that strong and sculpted look, you will need to have more than just cardio in your fitness routines. You will need to add weights to your workout to shape and tone your body. According to Tia Falcone, the trainer who helped Miss America lose fifty pounds, cardio does not allow you to reshape your body. She states that you will look the same as you were before but only as a smaller version of yourself. All your flaws and so called problem areas will remain untouched and stay the same because you are basically just shrinking yourself and not toning your body. If you add weights to your routine, you will be able to reshape and tone your flaws and problem areas.
    It may be a little scary at the beginning of your weightlifting routine but remember to take it slow and gradual. Nice and easy is the best way to start because if you start out too heavy, you will be sure to injure yourself and put an unexpected end to your weight loss journey. Therefore, it is best for you to experiment at first by trying out different types of weights and sizes and seeing which weight you are more comfortable using. The rule of thumb is to usually find a weight that in eight to twelve reps will cause your muscles to work hard and have you feeling the burn. It is also important to keep going for a heavier weight once you get too relaxed with your current weight. You need to challenge your body but not push too far past your limits to achieve the best results.

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9Round and Snap Fitness Featured in Star Tribune

The latest issue of Star Tribune features none other than Snap Fitness founder Peter Taunton and his many fitness projects, including 9Round. Taunton discusses his next move in the fitness franchise business with 9Round and their stand-alone kickboxing concept. According to Taunton in a recent interview at the one-year old Eden Prairie 9Round, he is always looking for new concepts, and he thought that the concept behind 9Round showed promise. Taunton is betting that kickboxing will be the next big fitness craze, and he hopes that the 100 current 9Round locations will grow to 500 or 600 franchised operations in the near future.
About 9Round
Inside 9Round’s 1,500-square-foot studio, members arrive once, twice, or three times a week for an intense 30-minute workout that includes punching and kicking heavy bags, doing stationary vertical jumps mixed in with a variety of vigorous floor exercises. 9Round likes to keep its fitness routines nice and simple. Their routines are based on techniques from boxing and martial arts that follow a circuit training format. 9Round features nine challenging workout stations that last for only three minutes per station. All workouts feature a certified 9Round trainer, who is there to ensure that you are performing each exercise correctly and working out within your fitness level. Our routines will have you sweating and burning fat in no time. You will quickly shed those excess pounds and achieve your fitness goals. Our fitness routines are a perfect and effective way for anyone to stay fit and healthy.
This is the perfect time to be in the health and fitness industry, as many Americans are concerned with finding ways to remain fit and healthy. According to the most recent figures available from the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), health club membership now exceeds 50 million Americans, and in 2012 they spent spent nearly $22 billion to achieve their fitness goals. 9Round is the perfect option for many future entrepreneurs to open their own business and benefit from the growing popularity of the health and fitness industry. If you are interested in becoming an owner of your own 9Round feel free to stop by our franchise page on our website to learn more, and if you like what you see you can fill out the request for consideration document to be on your way to owning your very own 9Round.

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Post-Workout Mistakes That May Slow Down Your Weight Loss Goals

You may be hitting the gym regularly and dieting but still not get the results that you want. All of the time and hard work you seem to be putting in to achieve your weight loss goals just does not seem to be paying off and may cause you a lot of unnecessary stress and frustration. These feelings can lead to you quitting your fitness routine and abandoning your weight loss goals. However, in the end you would definitely end up wasting the your time and effort you put into your fitness goals, and you would be unhappy and unhealthy. So, lets take a look at some of the ways our post-workout routines can sabotage our weight loss goals and how we can overcome them.

  1. You allow yourself too many rewards. It is easy to get sucked into this routine. You just went through a vigorous and intense workout, so why not allow yourself and your sweet tooth the chance to enjoy a sweet reward. You earned it, right? While the occasional treat is fine and may help you stick to your routine and your diet, you need to remember moderation. If you continuously indulge then all you are doing is sabotaging your routine, your diet and your results. You should never find yourself relying over and over on the excuse of I just burned so many calories that means I can eat twice as much as usual and still get away with it. You should also remember there are other ways to reward yourself than just food.
  2. You do not stretch during your cooldown. Stretching is an important and necessary part of any fitness routine, and the best time to stretch is during your cooldown. However, many people feel as if the cooldown is a big waste of time. They may be running short on time or want to workout even longer, so they feel as if they are doing better if they just skip the time allotted for their cooldown. This could be a very costly mistake. When you regularly skip your cool down stretching, you put yourself at a higher risk for injuries that may cause a lapse in your fitness routine or cause you to quit your fitness routine altogether, which will bring a sad and abrupt end to your weight loss journey.
  3. You rely on a sports drink to rehydrate you. A sports drink is a good option for replenishing electrolytes and rehydrating after a long or intense fitness routine. However, if your routine was not that long or intense, a sports drink may have many unnecessary calories and a lot of excess sugar that you do not need. For shorter workouts it is best to rehydrate with water, which can rehydrate you without the excess calories or sugar. It is best to save the sports drinks for workouts that are more intense and last for over an hour or if you happen to be working out in hotter temperatures.
  4. You do not eat after your fitness routine. It is important to refuel after your workout. Your body needs to repair and rebuild your muscles after a workout, and refuelling allows you to effectively do this. You need to replace vital nutrients you may have used up during your fitness routine, so you need to look for foods that have a high nutritional value and avoid foods that have a high content of calories, fat and sugar. Because muscle burns more calories than fat, you should look for a snack that is high in proteins and carbohydrates for your post ritual workout snack in order to build up your muscle mass.
  5. You are not consistent. You congratulate yourself on a job well done for your first workout, but you do not schedule the next one. It is an easy trap to fall into. You are happy that you made it through an entire routine, but you just do not find the time or the motivation to go back to the gym and keep exercising. The only way that you will receive the results that you want is if you form the habit of regularly exercising or going to the gym. You can not just exercise or visit the gym once in a while and expect to see results. So, you should never allow your celebration get in the way of scheduling your next workout.
     It can be hard to achieve our fitness goals yet so easy to sabotage them. We need to make sure all of our hard work and dedication we put into our weight loss journey pays off by ensuring that we do not fall into any of the many fitness sidelining traps. There are so many ways we can lose our motivation and give up on our fitness routines; therefore, the best way to stay on track is to learn the proper ways to achieve our fitness goals and research the many ways we can sabotage our weight loss goals. Armed with this information it will be easier to avoid these traps and become a weight loss success story.

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