Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Do Not Let Your Job Distract You From Being Fit

Today’s world can seem frantic and fast-paced. There never seems to be enough time in the day to fit in our entire schedule, and this can make it hard to stick to a consistent and effective fitness routine. However, many scientific studies have found that you need at least twenty minutes of vigorous exercise a day to live a healthy and happy life. So, how can we squeeze in an effective fitness routine into our already overwhelming schedules? We have compiled a few tricks that may help you fit in some vigorous activity in the small amount of time you have available.

  1. Become a member of a gym near your job. If you are lucky enough to work near a gym do not be afraid to take advantage of it. You can get up early and stop by before work, or you could go by after work instead of going to a bar with your coworkers. It is a lot healthier for you and can also help alleviate the stress of a hectic day far better than a drink. If you can not find the time before or after work, you can always go during your lunch hour. Any time you can squeeze in will be fine, as long as you can find the time to go and be active.
  2. Turn your commute into your own fitness routine. Do you live close enough to your  job to walk, jog, bike or even skip? Any way you can find to get in a workout that can make your heart start pumping is great. This early time of the day is a nice slot of available free time that you could easily use to squeeze in some sort of physical activity. You can save money on gas, bus fare or the subway and get fit and healthy at the same time. So, why not skip the car or mass transit every now and then and start moving?
  3. If you have your own office, you can try an office workout. There are so many quick and easy workouts available today that you can try in your office. You can buy a dvd or search the internet for workouts that last less than ten minutes and require little or no equipment. They even have websites that you can subscribe to that will give you a new workout everyday. You can also do simple exercises like jumping jacks, lunges or squats throughout your day. The options are infinite and will make it so much easier to squeeze in the recommended time of physical activity.
  4. Find a co-worker to be your workout buddy. It is easier to stick to a fitness routine and find the time to workout when we have someone else depending on us and motivating us to do our best. You and your co-worker can be a fitness team. You can go to the gym together or jog to work together. You could both skip the late night bar scene and instead visit the gym together. You may even end up competing with each other or challenging yourself to keep up with them. It can easily turn into a win-win situation for both of you.
  5. Find a fitness class you enjoy. It can be hard to find the time to visit the gym for a fitness routine that we find monotonous or grueling. So, why not look for something you enjoy? It can help you stay active and have fun at the same time. There are so many classes available that it may be hard to choose just one. You could go take karate, dance, yoga or skating. Anything that makes you break a sweat and gets your heart pumping will be perfect. Finding an activity that you enjoy will help you stay motivated, stave off boredom and have you looking forward to your next workout.
    In today’s world our jobs may take up the majority of our time, but this does not mean that we should sacrifice our health and happiness because of it. It can be difficult finding the time for our families or to socialize, yet alone the time to workout. However, many professionals today are becoming more and more out of shape, and you do not want this to happen to you. The only way to achieve a happy and healthy lifestyle is to find the time in this frantic world to workout. We need to realize that fitness is important and treat it as a top priority, and as a top priority, we need to use any bit of free time that we can to squeeze in a little physical activity.
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