Monday, April 14, 2014

9Round Review Featured on Fit Bottomed Girls

Jennifer Schlozman is a former Weight Watchers Leader Ambassador who is also a runner and a triathlete. She likes to write about her mommy fitness adventures on Fit Bottomed Mamas and Fit Bottomed Girls. Just recently, she had the chance to visit 9Round. She liked it so much that she decided to write a review on her experiences with her first 9Round workout to be featured on the Fit Bottomed Girls website.
First impressions
First impressions are important, and we want our fitness centers to give off a great vibe. According to Schlozman, when she first walked through the door she thought of Rocky. The owner Phil greeted her and her husband as they came in and made them feel welcomed. He was very knowledgeable and explained the gym setup and fitness routine to them. The gym had a small and intimate type of setting in her opinion. She was feeling big and bad from the lighting. It made her feel empowered and ready to put on her gloves and break in all the heavy bags.
The Routine
9Round’s fitness routine revolve around nine challenging stations. Each station features a different exercise and lasts for three minutes. According to Schlozman, each station had a sign instructing you through the circuit. The owner, Phil, gave them a quick overview and walked around, focusing on their form during the 30 minutes. He started a timer on the wall that had three lights — one for the circuit, a 30-second buzzer for one last push and the last buzzer to complete the circuit. Between the third and first buzzer he had them do some Tabatas; then as soon as that first buzzer rang, they were on to the next circuit.
Exercise High
Schlozman found the 9Round fitness routine to be a go, go, go type of fitness routine, which also happens to be just what she loves! Schlozman stated that once she had her gloves on, she felt like a real competitor! She was giving it her all and having a great time punching, kicking, lifting, pulling and pushing so many different bags! The music was pumping, and Phil was shouting words of encouragement. It was so much fun! She and her husband both felt pumped up from the heavy breathing and all the bags moving simultaneously.
    9Round is the perfect way for even the busiest person to fit in a full body workout that is guaranteed to give you the results you want. The routines are only thirty minutes long, and the best part is that there are no class times. You can walk into your local 9Round any time they are open and start your workout. So, in the words of Schlozman, “Have fun, put your dukes up and tell them Fit Bottomed Girls sent you!”

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